Test test test Test test test
Test test test test test test test test test test test test test

<OBJECT DATA="http://www.trade-ideas.com/MarketSurferContainer.html" HEIGHT=390 WIDTH=246></OBJECT>
<IFRAME SRC="http://www.trade-ideas.com/MarketSurferContainer.html" HEIGHT=390 WIDTH=246><OBJECT DATA="http://www.trade-ideas.com/MarketSurferContainer.html" HEIGHT=390 WIDTH=246></OBJECT></IFRAME>

I made a sample of our alerts which could be added to your home page.  I made the sample the same size as the Elite information that you currently display.  (We can change this to something else if you want.)  The easiest way to display this data is insert the HTML code listed above into the html for one of your pages.  You can place an HTML object anywhere on a page, just like an image.

There are other ways to display the data.  You can integrate http://www.trade-ideas.com/MarketSurferContainer.html directly into one of your frame sets.  Let me know if you decide to do this, and I will point out the tricky parts.