Perfect Position Sizing with Brokerage+

Perfect Position Sizing with Brokerage+

Have you ever made a trade but accidentally added a zero or omitted one when entering your share size? Imagine intending to enter 100 shares, but mistakenly entering either 10 or 1,000.

Depending on the direction of your error, it could either be terrifying or infuriating.

For me, it happened often enough that I realized even rare execution errors like this add up and end up affecting my profitability.

What’s more concerning is that these mistakes can have a snowball effect. A flustered state of mind can lead to even more trading mistakes, and all of them are completely preventable!

A review of my trading journal revealed the vital importance of accurate execution. This realization started me on a quest to create software—at first for myself—that would eliminate these manual errors from my trading activities.

I personally developed several versions of order entry software over the course of several months. It had to be fully integrated it into my trading workflow and needed to be completely intuitive, allowing me to effortlessly execute my pre-defined strategies. 

Once I perfected it for myself I added it to Brokerage+ in Trade-Ideas Pro.

Order entry mistakes are now a thing of the past for me, and they can be for you too.

Learn more about how Brokerage+ can help you perfect your trade execution.

Dave Mabe is a trader and the CTO at Trade-Ideas. He helps traders make more money by improving their strategies.

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